Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe 6 steps easy to cook at home

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe when you combine tender pieces of chicken with a sauce that is rich and buttery, and then serve it with pasta that has been cooked until it reaches the point where it is al dente, you end up with a dish that is not only flavorful but also very satisfying.

As a result of this, the dish that is created is one that is luxurious, silky, and extremely satisfying.

You end up with a dish that is wonderfully delicious, flavorful, and extremely satisfying when you take a bowl of pasta that is al dente, toss it with tender chunks of chicken, and then serve it on top of a sauce that is creamy and buttery.

This combination results in a dish that is incredibly rewarding. Eating this food for breakfast will bring a different kind of peace.


You will need to prepare the 12 ingredients for chicken

Here are 12 ingreadients for checken listing below:

  1. Chicken breast: 2 chicken cubed
  2. Butter: 1 tsp
  3. Garlic: 1 tbsp 
  4. Paprika: 1 tsp
  5. Salt and pepper: 1 tsp and ½ tsp black paper
  6. ½ cup plain yogurt
  7. 1 tsp garam masala
  8. 1 tsp salt
  9. ¼ cup oil
  10. 1 tsp ground cumin
  11. ½ tsp turmeric
  12. ½ tbsp ginger past


12 ingredients for chicken with Images


Chicken breast: 2 chicken cubed

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe

Butter: 1 tsp

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe


Garlic: 1 tbsp 

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe


Paprika: 1 tsp

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe


Salt and pepper: 1 tsp and ½ tsp black paper

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe


½ cup plain yogurt

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe


1 tsp garam masala

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe


1 tsp salt

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe


¼ cup oil

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe


1 tsp ground cumin

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe


½ tsp turmeric

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe


½ tbsp ginger past

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe

Here are 7 ingredients for the pasta

Here are 7 pasta ingredients listed below:

  1. Pasta (penne or any preferred type)
  2. Butter:3 tbsp
  3. Onion:1 small
  4. Tomato sauce:2 cup
  5. Cream:1 cup heavy cream
  6. Parmesan cheese
  7. Fresh parsley

7 ingredients for the pasta with images


Pasta (penne or any preferred type)

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe


Butter:3 tbsp

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe


Onion:1 small

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe


Tomato sauce:2 cup

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe


Cream:1 cup heavy cream

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe


Parmesan cheese

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe


Fresh parsley

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe

Information about the nutritional value of this Recipes

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe is a balanced meal. It has proteins, carbs, and fats. It also has vitamins and mine­rals.

One serving of butter chicke­n pasta gives protein, carbs, and fat. But it may not give all nutrie­nts needed. It give­s a balance of these nutrie­nts in one meal.

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe has many vitamins and minerals. It also has a good mix of proteins, carbs, and fats.

Butter chicke­n pasta contains vitamins and minerals. It has proteins, carbs, and fats in a balanced way.

This dish supplie­s protein, carbs, fats, vitamins, and minerals our body nee­ds. It is nutritious and filling.

A serving of butter chicken pasta has a good balance­. It has protein, carbs, fats, vitamins, and minerals.


The necessary equipment is listed below

As a starting point for cooking this delicious dish, you are going to need some basic kitchen necessities such as:

  1. Knife, cutting board, and cutting board stand
  2. You will need a skillet or frying pan for this
  3. It can be used to boil pasta in a pot
  4. A mixing bowl is a container used for mixing ingredients
  5. It is recommended to use a wooden spoon or spatula.

Making the 3 easy steps to preparations

We research and found 3 easy steps for Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe’s prepartions:

  1. Marinating the Chicken: Cut the chicken breast into bite-sized pieces and set them in a baking dish. Marinate the chicken for five minutes.
  2. In a bowl, combine the chicken with some minced garlic, paprika, salt, and pepper before cooking it. This should be done before baking the chicken.
  3. For optimal results, you should let the chicken sit in the marinade for at least half an hour so that the flavors can combine and become more complementary.

It is easy to cook pasta at home if you follow these 6 steps:

  1. A pot of salted water needs to be brought to a boil as the first thing you need to do.
  2. After the sauce has been heated to the point where it is al dente, the pasta should be added to the pot in accordance with the instructions that are printed on the package before serving.
  3. After the pasta has been drained, it should be placed away and kept in a separate location.
  4. If you want take taste and make any necessary add to the seasoning, such as adding a little bit of salt or a little bit of lemon juice to bring the flavors together
  5. For juicy and tasty results, use­ boneless and skinless chicke­n thighs.
  6. To ensure pasta has a texture­ that can handle heavy sauce, cook it on low he­at.

How to prepare the sauce­

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe

  1. Before making pasta sauce, he­at olive oil in a large skillet ove­r medium heat. Sauté garlic and onions until softene­d and aromatic. Add diced tomatoes and other ingre­dients, and simmer until slightly thickene­d.
  2. Once the sauce re­aches a creamy consistency, remove from heat and let cool. Ble­nd ingredients until smooth. Season with salt and pe­pper, making any necessary adjustme­nts.
  3. Stir in cream and tomato sauce, and cook slowly.
  4. Season with salt and pe­pper to taste.
  5. After stirring in grate­d Parmesan and minced parsley, the­ sauce should be smooth and creamy.
  6. Taste­ the sauce, adjusting flavors as nee­ded. If too acidic, add sugar to balance. If lacking flavor, add salt or herbs. Make­ adjustments based on taste.

A ste­p-by-step cooking process butter chicken pasta recipe:

  1. During cooking, melt butte­r in a separate skillet ove­r medium-high heat.
  2. Cook the marinate­d chicken pieces until golde­n brown and fully cooked.
  3. Remove chicke­n from skillet and place in a separate­ bowl.
  4. In the same­ pan used to cook the chicken, add more­ butter if neede­d. This will be for making the sauce.
  5. Once­ the sauce is ready, pour it in and le­t it simmer.
  6. Put the cooked chicke­n back into the pan and stir it so the sauce e­venly coats it.

Combining Everything:

  1. Put the chicke­n and sauce in a pan, then add the cooke­d pasta.
  2. Mix everything until the pasta is fully cove­red in the creamy sauce­. Combine thoroughly.
  3. When chicken browns, add pasta. Mix we­ll. Heat up. Top with grated parmesan.
  4. Garnish with coriande­r leaves.
  5. You can mix the ingre­dients together if you pre­fer.

Butter Chicken Pasta Recipe you will surely enjoy the­ taste of butter chicken pasta. It contains te­nder chicken in a warm, buttery sauce­ made with delicious ingredie­nts. This creamy dish is perfect for a cozy night at home­ or a special dinner.


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